Wait… you’re actually reading this? Well, I guess I better tell you a bit about me.
I hail from Fairfax, VA, just outside of Washington D.C. I moved to Los Angeles after realizing I couldn’t get a TV deal performing in front of the security cameras at my local bank. Once in LA, I studied improv and sketch writing at the Groundlings Theatre, home to many current and past SNL members. There I got the training and the fever for creating characters, writing comedy, and drinking cheap beer – not necessarily in that order.
When not in front of the camera or in the recording booth, I create and develop screenplays, TV shows, and animated series.
If you are you still reading this, it’s possible you have too much time on your hands. If you want to know more about me, book me for a gig and we’ll talk as long as you want. I’ll bring the cheap beer.
Oh yeah… I’m a huge hockey fan/player and a die-hard fan of the Washington Capitals. I just think that’s something everyone needs to know about me.
Thanks for showing interest! If you are a stalker, please stop showing interest.