Connect right now by IP with Source Connect NOW. Direct your session and record ISDN quality audio, LIVE from this webpage.
How To Utilize Source Connect
It’s fairly easy. First, make sure this page is loaded up on Google Chrome.
1] Enter your name 2] Enter the ‘pass key’ sent to you before the session 3] Click ‘connect’
That’s it!
Thanks to Source Connect you can now direct a session and record it in high quality right over the internet using your desktop or laptop. There’s no more need for booking an expensive ISDN studio.
Requirements To Use
Strong Internet Connection
Broadband internet, or an excellent 4G mobile signal if tethering. CHECK YOUR SPEED. We recommend 1MB and down.
Audio Device
A stereo or multi-mono CoreAudio, ASIO or Linux audio device, 44.1 or 48khz sample-rate support.
Chrome Browser (Version 32 Or Higher)
WHY CHROME? All Chrome Browsers with automatic updates enabled are compatible, except on iOS.